Semi-aktives WDM-System für 5G-Fronthaul-Übertragung
Nach der Einführung von 5G-Netzen wird die Dichte der Basisstationen zwei- bis viermal so hoch sein wie in 4G-Netzen. Glasfaserbeschränkungen werden das Hauptproblem bei der Einführung von 5G-Fronthaul sein. Um die schnelle Einführung von Basisstationen zu ermöglichen und Glasfaserressourcen bei der Einführung von 4G- und 5G-Netzen effektiv einzusparen, haben die Betreiber eine Lösung eingeführt, die WDM-Multiplexer und Farblichtmodule kombiniert, um eine kostengünstige und schnelle Abdeckung zu erreichen. In der praktischen Anwendung gibt es jedoch auch Mängel und Schwachstellen :
Lösungen mit aktiven WDM- oder OTN-Technologien können die Probleme des Netzwerkmanagements und der Auswahl der primären/Backup-Routen in optischen Pfaden lösen, stehen aber auch vor Herausforderungen wie hohen Kosten und Schwierigkeiten bei der Fernstromversorgung.
Basierend auf früheren technischen Ansammlungen und Forschungen zu aktivem und passivem WDM sowie einem kontinuierlichen, tiefgreifenden Verständnis in Kombination mit den Problemen der Kunden hinsichtlich der Anforderungen an die Übertragung von Fronthaul-Geräten hat Guangzhou Rui Dong ein semi-aktives WDM als Lösung für das Fronthaul von Basisstationen eingeführt.
Die semi-aktive WDM-Lösung verwendet aktive Geräte am lokalen Ende und passive Geräte am Remote-Ende, was die Bereitstellung und Wartung erleichtert. Durch lokale Geräte unterstützt sie Netzwerkmanagement, Leitungsschutz und schnelle OTDR-Fehlerortungsfunktionen. Die Wartungsmethoden sind bequem und flexibel und erfüllen hohe Zuverlässigkeitsanforderungen. Diese Lösung verringert den Druck auf die Glasfaserressourcen erheblich und gleicht gleichzeitig Kosten-, Verwaltungs- und Schutzvorteile aus. Dadurch unterstützt sie Betreiber bei der kostengünstigen, bandbreitenstarken und schnellen Bereitstellung von 5G-Fronthaul-Netzwerken.
Diese Lösung eignet sich für Szenarien mit knappen Glasfaserressourcen an erweiterten Basisstationen, einfachen Dual-Star- oder Bus-Netzwerkkonfigurationen (für Szenarien wie Autobahnen, Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge, Tunnel, Brücken usw.). Sie verfügt über farbige Lichtmodule an AAU- und DU-Geräten und verwendet WDM-Technologie zur Übertragung, um Glasfaserressourcen zu sparen und OADM-Up/Down-Wave-Funktionen zu unterstützen. Sie kann auch Dual-Route-Glasfasern zum Schutz von Fronthaul-Diensten verwenden und gleichzeitig ältere 4G-Fronthaul-Glasfasern unterstützen, wodurch ein einheitliches Fronthaul für 4G/5G erreicht wird.
Abb. 1 Diagramm eines semiaktiven WDM-Schemas
Die Netzwerkarchitektur des semiaktiven Wellenlängenmultiplexings (WDM) kann je nach Szenario in Stern- und Bustopologien unterteilt werden.
Abbildung 2 Halbaktives WWD-Sternnetzwerk
Abbildung 3 Halbaktives WDM-Bus-Netzwerk
Lokales Endgerät FW6600A-Gerät (1U4-Steckplatz aktiv)
Fernkombinations- und Divisionsmodul (passiv) |
Lokales Endgerät FW6600B (2U8 Steckplatz aktiv)
19-Zoll-Rack (abgesetzte Schrankmontage) |
Lokales Endgerät FW6600C (4U16-Steckplatz aktiv)
Wasser- und staubdichte Box für den Außenbereich (entfernte Wand/Mast) |
It supports comprehensive access to wireless fronthaul and other services, taking into account wireless fronthaul, private line, and home broadband services, and maximizes the value of fronthaul networks;
Maximize optical fiber saving, one fiber can carry 9 channels of 4G & 5G fronthaul CPRI/eCPRI services;
The local side is active and the remote end is passive, and WDM technology is used to extend the physical channel of pure transparent transmission, without delay and jitter introduction;
It supports the monitoring function of the luminous power of each channel, which is easy to maintain and locate faults;
It supports 1:1 protection at the optical layer, and the protection switching time is less than 20 ms, improving network reliability;
The optical-layer protection function card can be selected according to the application scenario, and supports hot-swap and power-off/power-on-hold functions to ensure that the device does not affect service operation in the event of a power-off;
It supports SNMP, Web and other graphical interface network management;
Local end equipment active supports AC 220V, DC -48V power supply optional, and 1+1 power input protection;
The installation method is flexible, the central office equipment supports rack-mounted installation and wall-mounted installation, and the remote equipment supports rack-mounted, pole-mounted and wall-mounted installation, which is easy to install and plug-and-play;
The remote outdoor device meets the requirements of the IP67 standard and supports pole and wall mounting.
Local End Equipment
FW6600A - 1U Chassis
1U Chassis Front View
1U Chassis Back View
FW6600A is designed with a 1U standard 19-inch rack-mounted plug-in card structure, providing 4 business slots, 1 main control card slot, 1 fan slot, and 2 power slots (at the rear). It uses a front panel outlet method, with all optical interfaces and network management interfaces designed on the front;
The FW6600A-type 1U chassis has four service slots, and the NMS card occupies one slot, and can be inserted into a maximum of three service cards, which can support convergence in three optical directions.
Technical Specifications of FW6600A 1U Chassis
The name of the metric |
metrics |
Dimensions: |
482(W)×44(H)×320(D)(mm) |
Weight (fully loaded) |
7.5kg |
TypicalPowerConsumption |
<30W |
Protection Features |
Hot-swappable NE management card without affecting existing services when failing |
StandardOperating Voltage: |
DC |
-36 V-72V |
AC |
90V -260V |
FW6600B - 2U Chassis
2U Chassis Front View
2U Chassis Back View
FW6600B is designed with a 2U standard 19-inch rack-mounted plug-in card structure, providing 8 business slots, 1 main control card slot, 1 fan slot, and 2 power slots (at the rear). It uses a front panel outlet method, with all optical interfaces and network management interfaces designed on the front;
The FW6600B-type 2U chassis has 8 service slots, and the NMS card occupies 1 slot, and can be inserted into a maximum of 7 service cards, which can support convergence in 7 optical directions.
Technical Specifications of FW6600B 2U Chassis
The name of the metric |
metrics |
Dimensions |
486(W)×86(H)×352(D)(mm) |
Weight (fully loaded) |
13.5kg |
TypicalPowerConsumption |
<50W |
Protection Features |
Hot-swappable NE management card without affecting existing services when failing |
StandardOperating Voltage: |
DC |
-36 V-72V |
AC |
90V -260V |
FW6600C -4U chassis
4U chassis front
4U chassis back
The FW6600C chassis adopts a 4U standard 19-inch rack-mount and plug-in card structure, and provides 16 service slots, 1 main control board slot, 1 fan slot, and 2 power supply slots in a single chassis. The front panel cable outlet mode is adopted, and all optical interfaces, power supply and network management interfaces are designed on the front;
The FW6600C-type 4U chassis has 16 service slots, and the NMS card occupies 1 slot, and can insert up to 15 service boards, which can support the convergence of 15 optical directions.
FW6600C 4U Chassis specifications
The name of the metric |
metrics |
Dimensions |
483(W)×178(H)×280(D)(mm) |
Weight (fully loaded) |
15.5kg |
TypicalPowerConsumption |
<80W |
Protection Features |
Hot-swappable NE management card without affecting existing services when failing |
StandardOperating Voltage: |
DC |
-36 V -72V |
AC |
90V -260V |
waves of Local End Equipment Mux&DeMux
Functional structure:
6 waves of Local End Equipment Mux&DeMux Functional structure (with optical power monitoring and optical protection)
Optical performance indicators
parameter |
unit |
index |
Number of channels |
6 |
Center wavelength |
nm |
1271、 1291、 1311、 1331、 1351、 1371 |
Center wavelength deviation |
nm |
±1.5 |
-1dB channel bandwith |
nm |
>14 |
Banding flatness |
dB |
<0.5 |
Mux&DeMux Channel insertion loss |
dB |
<1.5 |
Mux&DeMux Channel insertion loss uniformity |
dB |
<1.0 |
Adjacent channel isolation |
dB |
>25 |
Non-adjacent channel isolation |
dB |
>35 |
Wavelength Heat stability |
nm/℃ |
<0.002 |
Insertion loss heat stability |
dB/℃ |
<0.007 |
Polarization-related losses |
dB |
<0.2 |
Return loss |
dB |
≥45 |
Working temperature |
℃ |
-40~+85 |
Storage temperature |
℃ |
-40~+85 |
Working humidity |
5%~95% RH, No condensation |
The number of slots in the chassis |
1slot |
OTDR monitoring port |
With OTDR monitoring port (wavelength 1625/1650nm) optional |
Optical protection |
It can provide single-fiber main and standby optical path protection |
Optical protection switching time |
<20ms |
Optical power detection range |
-50 dBm ~+25dBm |
Optical interface |
Indicator light description:
Pri:The main bypass indicator light, the light is on to indicate the main road, and the waiting to go off means the backup road;
Auto:Working mode indicator, the light on indicates automatic mode, and the light off indicates manual mode;
R1、R2:The light collection power alarm indicator of the main and backup roads of light protection indicates that the light collection is normal, and the light off indicates that the light collection is abnormal;
Button description:
SET:Press and hold for 5S to switch the working mode, and in automatic mode, short press the button to switch the active and standby routes.
Remote passive WDM
Remote 1U rack
The remote 1U rack is a 3-slot, 1U-high passive rack, which is suitable for inserting 3 remote combiner splitters, which can realize the compact installation of the remote combiner and splitter and save space in the equipment room. The 1U rack can be installed in a 19-inch cabinet.
n Size: 1U, 44 mm (H)× 438 mm (W), × 132 mm (D)
Figure 2.2.1 View of a remote 1U rack
Remote 3U rack
The 3U rack is a 16-slot, 3U-high passive rack, which is suitable for vertically inserting 16 remote combiners and splitters, which can realize the compact installation of remote combiners and save space in the computer room. The 3U rack can fit in a 19-inch cabinet.
n Size: 3U, 120 mm (H), 430 mm (W×), × 133 mm (D)
Figure 2.2.2 Rack view of the remote OPC1000-16
Remote outdoor boxes
The outdoor dust-proof box is a special box for outdoor wall-mounted or pole-mounted remote WDM system, which supports 1 or 2 built-in remote combination splitters, meets the requirements of IP67 standards, has a lightweight structure and is easy to install.
Size:365 mm (length)×290mm (width)×100 mm (height)
Figure 2.2.3 View of the remote outdoor dust box
waves remote passive WDM Mux&DeMux
Product illustration:
6 waves remote passive WDM Mux&DeMux(optical protection)
Functional structure:
Functional structure of the remote passive WDM
Optical performance indicators
parameter |
unit |
index |
Number of channels |
6 |
Center wavelength |
nm |
1271、 1291、 1311、 1331、 1351、 1371 |
Center wavelength deviation |
nm |
±1.5 |
-1dB channel bandwith |
nm |
>14 |
Banding flatness |
dB |
<0.5 |
Mux&DeMux Channel insertion loss(without optical protection) |
dB |
<1.2 |
Mux&DeMux Channel insertion loss (with Optical Protection) |
dB |
<4.5 |
Mux&DeMux Channel insertion loss uniformity |
dB |
<1.0 |
Exp interface loss uniformity |
dB |
<1.2 |
Adjacent channel isolation |
dB |
>25 |
Non-adjacent channel isolation |
dB |
>35 |
Wavelength Heat stability |
nm/℃ |
<0.002 |
Insertion loss heat stability |
dB/℃ |
<0.007 |
Polarization-related losses |
dB |
<0.2 |
Return loss |
dB |
≥45 |
Working temperature |
℃ |
-40~+85 |
Storage temperature |
℃ |
-40~+85 |
Working humidity |
5%~95% RH, 无凝结 |
colourful module
colourful module 25G/10km CWDM colourful module
Based on the wireless fronthaul passive wavelength division multiplexing system, the 25Gb/s SFP28 CWDM colourful module conforms to the MSA protocol, has the characteristics of low power consumption, small size, multi-rate, etc., is compatible with eCPRI (25G), CPRI 10, 25GE and other network applications, with a maximum transmission distance of up to 10 kilometers, RoHS compliant, and supports digital diagnostic functions.
Working temperature Commercial grade:0°C-+70°C Industrial grade:-40°C-+85°C |
Storage temperature Temperature:-40°C-+85°C Humidity:5%~95%no condensation |
Optical performance indicators
Product model |
Tx wavelength (nm) |
Rx wavelength (nm) |
Distance (km) |
Tx optical power range (dBm) |
Overload Optical Power (dBm) |
Ext (dB) |
Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) |
RSPD-25GC10--27 |
1271 |
1260~1620 |
10km |
0~+6 |
>+2 |
>3.5 |
<-13.8 |
RSPD-25GC10--29 |
1291 |
RSPD-25GC10--31 |
1311 |
RSPD-25GC10--33 |
1331 |
RSPD-25GC10--35 |
1351 |
RSPD-25GC10--37 |
1371 |
10G/10km CWDM colourful module
The 10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM colourful module based on the wireless fronthaul passive wavelength division multiplexing system conforms to the MSA protocol, has the characteristics of low power consumption, small size, multi-rate, etc., is compatible with CPRI 7/8, 10GE, STM-64 and other network applications, with a maximum transmission distance of up to 10 kilometers, RoHS compliant, and supports digital diagnostic functions.
Working temperature Commercial grade:0°C-+70°C Industrial grade:-40°C-+85°C |
Storage temperature Temperature:-40°C-+85°C Humidity:5%~95%no condensation |
Optical performance indicators
Product model |
Tx wavelength (nm) |
Rx wavelength (nm) |
Distance (km) |
Tx optical power range (dBm) |
Overload Optical Power (dBm) |
Ext (dB) |
Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) |
RSPD-10GC10-27 |
1271 |
1260~1620 |
10km |
0~+3 |
>+1 |
>4 |
<-14.4 |
RSPD-10GC10-29 |
1291 |
RSPD-10GC10-31 |
1311 |
RSPD-10GC10-33 |
1331 |
RSPD-10GC10-35 |
1351 |
RSPD-10GC10-37 |
1371 |
NMS function
The semi-active wavelength division multiplexing system has the management function of central and remote devices, and supports configuration management, fault management, performance management, network topology management and other major functions. The network management function ensures that the requirements of monitoring, management, and production convenience in the overall principles of 5G fronthaul are met.
The basic functions are as follows:
(1) User and user group management
(2) User rights management
(3) Sicherung und Wiederherstellung von Systemdaten
(4) Das System verfügt über eine Protokollverwaltungsfunktion
(5) Das System unterstützt die Erstellung, Abfrage, Löschung, Änderung und andere Verwaltungsfunktionen von Netzwerkelementen (Zentralenausrüstung, Remote-Ausrüstung) und anderen.
(6) Das System unterstützt die Statistik- und Abfragefunktionen der Steckplätze, Einheiten, Service-Ports, Kanäle und anderer Parameter der Vermittlungsstellenausrüstung.
(7) Das System unterstützt das Konfigurationsmanagement der Vermittlungsstellenausrüstung :
(8) Das System unterstützt die Abfrage und Konfiguration des Schutzmanagements :
(9) Das System unterstützt Funktionen wie Alarmabfrage und -statistik, Alarmbestätigung, Alarmlöschung, Alarmabschirmung und Alarmfilterabfrage.
(10) Das System ermöglicht den Benutzern, die Überwachung der Leistung von Netzelementen festzulegen und abzufragen.
(11) Das System unterstützt die Verwaltung der Netzwerktopologie.
Optionale SMS-Alarmfunktion;
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